About Me

I love the country! I’m a farm girl (Farm Chick) through and through! Growing up on a farm gives you a unique perspective on life. Simple. Creative. Good. Slow. Loving. Beautiful. God created.
After several years of marriage to a wonderful city boy, I finally talked him into moving to a small farm. I’m finally back where I belong! I absolutely love it and wouldn’t change a thing!
We have a growing family of 6 and only God knows if we’re done. Our journey includes three bio-kids and a God-orchestrated adoption of an amazing son (8 years old at the time he entered our lives) and the loving and learning process that this path took our whole family through. We’re still on the lifelong journey of becoming better, grace-filled parents and people. We’ve learned a lot, prayed A LOT, loved a lot and our lives and faith have grown tremendously from it.

So welcome to the farm! It’s busy, it’s crazy, it’s lovely! I love God, coffee, animals, trying to keep my family healthy, becoming a better parent, DIY’ing everything imaginable, canning (yes, some people still do ‘can’ things) and organizing, all while trying to do it on the smallest budget possible.
I take risks, attempt crazy feats and still think, at my age, I’m still fairly invincible. I don’t typically take “no” for an answer. If someone tells me I can’t do it, I’m pretty sure I can find a way to, just to prove them wrong. And if there’s a problem or something broken, I can typically come up with a solution to fix it.
I want to show you that with a YouTube video, a screw driver and some duct tape, that you can in fact ‘MacGyver’ (I know, I’m totally dating myself) pretty much anything! Believe in yourself! You CAN do it!

In my crazy life I’ve raised a little bit of everything! Kids, goats, chickens, bantams, ducks, horses, pigs, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, raccoons, and even a guinea (who’s VERY loud!). But the best thing about living on a farm is that every day I get to see a myriad of God’s amazing creation all around me. The colors, the smells (sometimes not so sweet), the cycle of life, the beauty. I am delighted and grateful to live on my little slice of ‘heaven on earth’.
I hope the adventures shared from this Chick’s country-life lessons give you some knowledge, hope and a giggle!