Home Security On A Budget
Why is it so hard to find a decent home security system? Well, let me rephrase that… Why is it so hard to find a decent home security system that fits within your budget? I would like to feel that sense of having a secure home, without going broke!
When we first moved into our home there was an ADT security system in place. While we liked the idea of having a home security system, we didn’t think it was necessary to be tied to a live person if some random alarm were to go off in our home. Also, in light of trying to live on a budget, we decided to promptly discontinue the monthly monitoring service and fees associated with it. Who can afford that? It was nice however, to be able to utilize the security features already set up and we were able to use the current sensors for several years before they started to fail.

Epic fail
So what to do? Recently, some of the sensors have started failing, which generates a constant notification that there is a breach in the system. A lot of good that does! When our house was built, all of the sensors were hard wired. Fast forward 18+ years and now this technology, as you can imagine, is completely outdated. A tech from ADT came out to assess if anything could be done to fix the problem and he informed us that we would need an entirely new, updated system. I suppose this really wasn’t a big surprise, but the price tag sure was! Unfortunately, this update was NOT in our budget.
It was time for an overhaul. With the invention of wifi and bluetooth technology, a whole new array of wireless sensors and monitors are readily available. But have you tried to shop for a home security system? I spent HOURS (my husband says months!) looking for the right mix of cameras and sensors to piece together my own system that would fit within my budget. It’s crazy! There are so many options, but most of what you find is at one price point… expensive!

Itty bitty box! – It’s SO cute!
While discussing our current needs, we decided we would want to be able to monitor both inside and outside our home. Enter Wyze cameras! (My brother was actually the one who enlightened me that they were even a thing! Way to go bro!) These little cameras are amazing! And they’re only $20!! Can you believe it? They’re super small (less than 3″ square) and can mount anywhere, pretty much undetected, if you want them to be. (In fact, I’ve had one in my kitchen for a couple of months now and no one has found it! Shhh… don’t tell my kids!) The mobile ready app has the capability of showing live views, as well as stored recording… FOR FREE! Yes, you heard me, no need to pay a monthly subscription! Yeah baby! Hello budget friendly!
Beginners welcome, tech friendly!
This camera is seriously simple to set up. You take it out of the box, download the app, plug it in, scan the QR code, connect to wifi and you’re up and running! That’s it! I think I had mine up and running in about 5 minutes. As long as your internet and wifi are functioning, you can monitor it from, well… anywhere! Once your camera is set up, you can customize the options available for different types of notifications with motion and/or sound detection. So you’re kind of at home, even when you’re not. Want to know when your kids get home from school? Want to know whether they’re really doing their homework, or if they actually let the dog out? What does your cat really do all.day.long? If any of these questions ever roll around in your brain, then this is the home security camera for you!

Itty bitty, but mighty
High definition, 1080p video clips are recorded in 12-second snippets that get stored in the “cloud”. Videos are saved on a 14-day rolling period and are easily accessible for viewing. There is also an option to insert an SD card for more local storage and continuous recording. Live streaming is also a great option. We just recently had a predator snatch one of our chickens, (dirty, rotten critter!) so guess where I placed my newly purchased Wyze cam (labeled “Critter Cam”)? Yep, facing my backyard, so I can sit at my desk and have the live stream running on my iPad. When the nasty varmint appears, I can be “at the ready” to quickly dispose of it! No more Mr. Nice Guy! This means war!

I’m sure we’ve all had something happen in our homes we wish we could have seen coming, or could confirm with certainty after the fact. I would love to have had that critter on video, but I don’t. I was about a week late on ordering it
If you’re one of those people who like having that “secure” feeling that you would get by having an ADT-type system, there’s even a feature available to alert you when the smoke detector or CO2 alarm goes off! Now that’s pretty amazing! You can quickly open your phone app to check and see if it’s a false alarm, rather than apologizing to the firemen who needlessly showed up on your doorstep, for no apparent reason.

So comforting…
With this new little camera, whether you’re at work, running errands or on vacation for a week, it’s a comforting feeling to know that you can check on your home any time you want.
P.S. COMING SOON – Want to know if your teen (or hubby) is having a midnight snack? Is your toddler curiously opening the front door while you’re in the shower? Need to know when something important is being opened? Watch for their new release coming in May 2019 (Wyze Sense) with contact sensors being added to their mix!
Have you tried one of these little Wyze Cams? I’d love to hear your feedback!