New To Essential Oils?
Spoiler alert! This is a long post FULL of information!!
Essential Oils
Essential oils? Almost everyone has heard of them nowadays. It’s a common health “buzz” word. Here is my confession, I.LOVE.THEM! So many oils, so little time! Essential oils date back thousands of years and have so much history! After I started using them, someone questioned me as to what they were and if I really thought they did any good. I replied, “If they were good enough for Jesus, they’re good enough for me!”
(Think Frankincense, Myrrh)
There are so many oils, I honestly don’t even know where to start. I guess I’ll start with MY beginning. As a family, we have tried to keep health in our household and be proactive with our health in many ways. We try to use a holistic approach and use more natural health options to treat ailments that we have. So when we get a cold or have a headache, we don’t automatically reach for a pill. We try to find an alternative method to treat our symptoms, whether that be a salve, a supplement or an oil.
This doesn’t mean I don’t eat potato chips, love chocolate and use an insane amount of creamer in my coffee! I’m human too, but we try to balance some of the not-so-healthy choices with some healthy ones.
A friend mentioned essential oils to me in passing about a year ago and I honestly had no idea what they were. Yes, I fell hard and fast! Over coffee, she enlightened me as to what they were, where they come from and some of how they work. I was amazed! They are literally powerful, natural medicines in a bottle! They are scientifically proven to help your body and promote health in so many ways!
Why Young Living?
The company I was introduced to is Young Living. They offer hundreds of the purest oils. Owning their own plantations and farms, they can conrol every step and ensure that the quality of the entire manufacturing process is of the highest standards. The quality of their products is guaranteed (called their “Seed To Seal” guarantee) and I am very impressed by the company.
As I started doing more research into the health benefits of pure essential oils, I learned that most essential oils that you buy from the store are not therapeutic-grade oils.
What is Therapeutic Grade?
Therapeutic grade? What does that even mean? You can purchase oils from almost anywhere now. That doesn’t mean they’re pure and healthy though. Most contain warnings on that say “do not take internally” and “for external use only.” Why?
There are no regulations for how an essential oil should be extracted. Companies can use whatever process is cheapest to produce the oils and still slap whatever label they want to on the bottle. In fact, the majority of essential oil companies actually buy their oils from other suppliers. The company isn’t even involved in the process of growing the plants or extracting the oils at all! This information can be substantiated by calling the company and asking to visit their production farms.
Most essential oils on the market claim to be “Pure Essential Oils”. Unfortunately, regulations only require as little as 5% of the ACTUAL essential oil from the plant be present in the bottle to make the claim “pure”. So what makes up the other 95%? Typically chemicals, additives and fillers. That’s just scary!
The potential danger of an essential oil is generally relative to its level or grade of purity. Many essential oils are designed exclusively for their aroma-therapeutic quality; these essential oils generally should not be applied directly to the skin in their undiluted or “neat” form. Some can cause severe irritation, provoke an allergic reaction and, over time, prove hepatotoxic. Non-therapeutic grade essential oils are never recommended for topical or internal use. Source
I can understand if you’re skeptical, I was a little at first. I mean, come on, putting on an oil is going to help my cold or help me sleep better? It’s crazy, but they work. There are too many testimonials out there to negate their usefulness! I guess you’ll just have to try them for yourself!!
Where do you start?
There are a few different options. I recommend you starting with Young Living. I have done the research and there just aren’t any other companies out there with the longevity of this company that can guarantee the product you’re receiving.
When you start with Young Living, you’ll most likely want to choose the “member” option when you sign up. With that, you get a 24% savings off the normal “retail” price. This is what I started with, and what most people do. If you want to just become a “Customer”, that’s fine too, you would just pay the retail prices, which are a little higher. There is no obligation to sell anything when you become a ‘wholesale’ member! You can if you want to, but there’s no requirement.
I also recommend starting with a Premium Starter Kit. When you’re just starting out, you’re going to want to try several oils! This kit just gives you more bang for your buck! For $165, you receive 12 oils, a diffuser (normally priced at $98 just by itself) and several other goodies. The total retail value of the kit is over $300! So this is a huge saving! The only requirement to continue getting the discount, is to buy $50 worth of products in a YEAR (not per month!), which is totally doable since you’re going to want to use essential oils for so many things! (Like making your own cleaning products and bath salts!)
This kit is what I started with to begin my journey with essential oils. It contains some of the most basic, but most useful oils. I use several of these oils literally every day!
Want more info?
If by chance you are interested in increasing your health and vitality with Young Living essential oils(which I have to claim as a personal opinion), please email me or click here to find out more about the company and how to get started with your own kit! I’m so excited for you to discover how essential oils can help your family too! And yes, if you do become a customer, not only will you become healthier, but I do receive a kick back (just being transparent).
Welcome to the world of oils! What are you waiting for? Let’s get you started!! (Info on how to sign up is here.)
*This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.